Year 1 - Week 9
Watch the two videos below for this week's assembly which lasts just over 30 minutes in total.
Daily Lessons
Click the links every day. These are being updated by your teacher to make sure you have a different daily activity. Record your answers in your blue book or on paper. If you require a new book, please ask your parent/carer to collect one from the hall fire exit door. Remember, fill out the online form in the lesson so that your teachers know you have been completing the work. They are checking every day.
Completing work at home is very important. However, it is equally important to get plenty of rest and sleep. Please only complete work between 8am and 6pm. Take plenty on breaks, drink lots of water and get lots of rest.
Music & Exercise
Music can be a excellent way of keeping jolly when times are stressful or boring. Use these lessons created by our teachers to lift your spirits
Daily exercise helps to keep the mind and body strong and healthy. Mr Butcher has created you these lessons to keep you active.
Art & Whole School Literacy
Author of the Week
Outdoor Learning
Keeping fit and active is very important. Remember that when playing in the garden or taking short periods of exercise with your parent/carer, you should keep 2 metres apart.
Song of the day
Go to this link and enjoy a song a day to lift your spirits.
E Safety
Staying Safe online is very important in these challenging times. Use these videos and posters to help you.