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- Speech and Language Support w/b 18th Jan
Speech and Language Support w/b 18th Jan
On the left there are ideas on how to include speech and language activities into cooking at home.
On the right there are videos that link to each area of development but also provide other activities you could do.
Following instructions
While you are cooking ask the child to get things from the kitchen. You can make this easier by asking for one thing at a time, showing your child where it is etc. You can make it more challenging by asking for more than one item and/or giving your child a clue what the item is. I need one yellow fruit and see if they can guess what it is.
Following instructions video
Give instructions like, ‘First pour in the water then mix together’ and ask your child to tell you what they did afterwards supporting them to use the words first/then. This will help them to organise their thoughts and ideas and tell stories/give explanations in the correct order. There are also some great child-friendly recipes with pictures for free online have a go at following one of these asking your child to tell you what you need to do next in the recipe.
Sequencing video
There are lots of new words linked to cooking and food that you could use depending on the recipe. You could talk about mashing avocado, squeezing a lemon, chopping red onion and sprinkling salt.
Vocabulary video
Language comprehension: 'Elmer's Weather'
In this lesson we will be reading the book 'Elmer's Weather' together. We will also be looking at when to use 'what' and 'where' questions when reading with your child. Adult support is required.