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Report a Concern - Children

What To Do If Your Child Feels They Are Being Bullied

Bullying is taken very seriously in school. No child should be worried by another child in The Beeches Primary School. ALL reported instances are followed up. A record of victims and of bullies is kept and action is taken against those children who have been recorded as a bully. Parents and carers will be interviewed if an incident is repeated.

Children are encouraged to tell any adult if they are being hit, kicked, pushed, threatened, sworn at, stared at or anything that upsets them by another child. However, children ARE SOMETIMES FRIGHTENED TO TELL US.

If you feel your child is upset over something in school or they don’t want to come to school, please ask them what’s wrong and tell us of the problem.

If you'd like to report an issue, you can do so by completing the form below. Please can give your name, so we can get in touch with you. Anything you write will be treated confidentially. If you prefer, you can remain anonymous.