Reception - Week 11
Important message to parent/carers
Reminder - From Thursday 18th June, between 10-11am, please collect a home learning pack and reading book for your child from the Hobson gate entrance. This will then happen EVERY Thursday until further notice.
On Olympics Week, find out about what it used to look like many years ago.
Weekly Lessons
Completing work at home is very important. However, it is equally important to get plenty of rest and sleep. Please only complete work between 8am and 6pm. Take plenty on breaks, drink lots of water and get lots of rest.
Support for Parents
Bug Club
Watch this short video on how to use Bug Club.
Music & Exercise
Music can be a excellent way of keeping jolly when times are stressful or boring. Use these lessons created by our teachers to lift your spirits
Daily exercise helps to keep the mind and body strong and healthy. Mr Butcher has created you these lessons to keep you active.
Whole School Literacy
Author of the Week
Outdoor Learning
Keeping fit and active is very important. Remember that when playing in the garden or taking short periods of exercise with your parent/carer, you should keep 2 metres apart.
Song of the day
Go to this link and enjoy a song a day to lift your spirits.
E Safety
Staying Safe online is very important in these challenging times. Use these videos and posters to help you.