Physical Education
It is our intent for the Physical Education curriculum to inspire all children to enjoy, succeed and excel in competitive sport and other physically demanding activities, fully embracing our core values of Resilience and Excellence. We will provide opportunities for children to become physically confident in a way which supports their health and fitness. We will provide our children with opportunities to compete in sport and other activities to build character and help to embed fairness and respect through our core values (Reflective and Collaboration). This is achieved through weekly lessons, as well as opportunities to participate in variety of lunch time and after school clubs, Forest school lessons in key stage 1, swimming lessons in key stage 2, entry into outside-school competitions, ‘the daily mile’ and targeted SEND sports intervention.
We will strive to ensure that every child exceeds their potential and lives a healthy and active lifestyle. All children will study and compete in the full breadth of activities, including games, gymnastics and dance.
In Key Stage 1, the children will become increasingly confident and competent in the fundamental skills of agility, balance, speed and co-ordination, both individually and collaboratively.
In Key Stage 2, the children will have the opportunity to apply and develop a broader range of skills, learning how to use them in different ways and link them to make actions and sequences in movement.
In addition, Year 3, 4 and 5 children will be taught to swim competently, confidently and proficiently. Through additional funding for Sports Premium, the school will continue to enter as many events/competitions as possible, including accessibility events for children with physical needs.
Our PE curriculum is designed to allow all children at The Beeches Primary School to achieve their full potential and be fully inclusive.
This will be achieved by:
• offering a differentiated curriculum to develop competence in a broad range of physical activities
• sustained periods of physical activity
• promoting and encouraging relevant social and self-help skills
• developing children’s mental health and well-being
• raising children’s expectations of themselves
• offering a variety of teaching and learning styles
• building on children’s existing skills and engaging them in competitive sports and activities
• promoting talents by enabling children to access out of school opportunities
• promoting school club links where ever possible
• promoting Sports Leadership throughout the curriculum and phases of school and access to county wide partnerships
• gaining access to external accreditation within the subject and Leadership courses
- promoting gifted and talented pupils within School and County academy schemes
• developing and promoting the skills of swimming and personal survival in water
Through PE lessons and the extra-curricular opportunities we offer, all children will:
• develop personal psycho-motor skill levels, both gross and fine
• understand, develop and maintain a reasonable level of fitness and harbour a positive attitude towards hygiene
• enjoy physical activity in its many forms
• participate in sport, competitive and non-competitive
• develop and apply skills, wherever possible, to the highest level
• appreciate, understand and evaluate the performance and efforts of others
• develop attributes and core values integral to any Physical Education lesson: confidence, tolerance, determination, resilience, self-esteem, personal discipline, satisfaction and the appreciation of others
• develop and value the importance of a healthy lifestyle
Where possible, explicit links are made to the Cornerstones topics the children are studying and provide opportunities for consolidation of basic skills.
Our PE curriculum will improve the fitness, health and wellbeing of all our children. Due to emphasising the importance of knowing the benefits of each activity, the children will apply their skills and continually improve their health and fitness. PE lessons will support learning in all curriculum areas, as well as their lives outside school. Talented children will have the opportunity to further their skills through links with professional clubs and have access to competitive events locally and nationally.
By the end of KS1, children will be competent at basic movements which include running, jumping, throwing and catching. They will have developed the skills of balance, agility, speed and co-ordination and have begun to apply them in a range of activities. Children participate in team games which include basic tactics to attack and defend, as well as performing dances that use simple movement patterns.
By the end of KS2, children will have progressed and develop their skills further and can now use their ability to run, jump, throw and catch in isolation as well as in combination. They play more competitive games such as badminton, basketball, netball, cricket, football and hockey whilst continuing to apply their basic skills of attacking and defending where appropriate. In addition to this, they perform creative dances using a range of movement patterns, as well as taking part in outdoor activity challenges both individually and collaboratively, whilst continuing to compare and improve their personal performance.
Subject Leaders
Miss Dunstone, Mr Butcher, Mr Challis and Mr French
Below is our draft subject progression document that shows the content of our school curriculum in each academic year. Our progression documents are constantly being updated and refined to achieve the very best possible outcomes for our children.