Medical & Glasses
The school can only administer non-prescription medicines following a discussion between a parent and Miss Brewer, our Attendance Officer. Signed consent from both parent and school is required.
It is important that you let the school know of your address and telephone number so that you can be informed in case of an emergency. You also need to give the address of a close family relative or friend in case you are not available at the time.
If a child is prescribed medicine the parents must follow school policy by informing the class teacher and booking the medication into school with all necessary details and completing the schools medication form. If procedures are followed, a named member of staff will supervise the taking of medicines. As we encourage responsibility and self-discipline, children who are asthmatic and require an inhaler, will be expected to keep an inhaler in school with them and use it responsibly when necessary. We recommend that children who wear glasses keep a spare pair at school in case they forget their usual pair.
Through the years in school, your child might be seen by the school nurse if a problem that may affect your child’s learning has been detected. This is usually routine but you will be notified of any problems that may be found. Other medical examinations might include a dental inspection, sight tests and hearing tests.
If your child becomes ill in school and appears to be too ill to stay, the school will contact you to take your child home.
First Aid facilities are available in the school and members of staff are trained for this.