How reading is taught
Reading is taught across the curriculum at the Beeches Primary School. Our goal is to create fluent readers with a lifelong love of reading.
Reading is taught differently depending on the age of your child.
EYFS and Year 1
In EYFS and Year 1, your children are currently taught to read using the Little Wandle reading scheme.
Every child takes part in two Phonics lessons across the day focusing on reading and spelling.
Any children that need extra support are given daily ‘Keep up sessions’ (group or individual) and read their home reading book to an adult daily.
In addition to this, each child takes part in three adult led group reading sessions using a book from the Little Wandle book scheme (your child takes the same book home at the end of the week to practise with further):
-Session 1 focuses on Word Reading.
-Session 2 focuses on Prosody (reading with expression and punctuation).
-Session 3 focuses on Comprehension.
Look out on our school website (and in your child’s book bag) for our ‘Weekly Wandles’ which will keep you updated on what your child has been up to in Phonics this week.
Year 1 also complete their weekly reading sequence with a whole class reading lesson to prepare them for their transition to Year 2.
Year 2
Year 2 take part in daily Little Wandle Phonics sessions up until Christmas and recap Phase 5. Any new arrivals or children that need extra Phonics support will be on our ‘Rapid catch up’ programme and take part in daily ‘Keep up sessions’. Children that require additional support will read with an adult daily.
In addition, Year 2 complete a mix of guided reading sessions with an adult and their own whole class reading sequence to prepare them for transition to Key Stage 2.
Key Stage 2
Reading is taught as a whole class in Key Stage 2 following our weekly reading sequence.
Any children requiring extra support will take part in our Little Wandle ‘Rapid catch up’ programme and will be targeted to read with an adult daily.
SEND support
Phonics is taught across the school using the specially designed SEND Little Wandle scheme.
Children read daily with an adult as part of their programmes and take part in whole class reading session where possible. Small group or 1:1 sessions are planned where necessary.
New arrival support
New arrivals are assessed on entry to our school and receive additional support if necessary.
Children in EYFS and Year 1, receive daily Phonics lessons. Children in Year 2 or above, are placed on the Little Wandle ‘Rapid catch up’ program if necessary to further develop word reading and fluency.
The Beeches Primary School is dedicated to developing life long readers with a love of reading.
As part of this, your child takes part in daily DEAR (Drop Everything And Read) session where an adult shares a story with them. In EYFS and Year 1, this will be a picture book and in Year 2 and beyond, this will be a class novel. Check the school Twitter account for what your child is currently reading.
Across Year 2 and beyond, children take part in daily ERIC (Everybody Reads In Class) sessions where all of the children are given additional time to enjoy independently reading their book.
Reading strategies
In whole class reading lessons, children will be taught to use our school reading strategies to help them become effective readers.
Breakdown strategy toolkit
Your child will use the Breakdown strategy toolkit to help them to define new vocabulary.