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The Beeches Primary School intends for its curriculum to be exciting, inspiring, and aspirational for all learners. The staff and wider community believe in a child-centred approach to learning that equips learners with the skills of today and the future. The school aims to provide a broad and balanced curriculum, underpinned by our Core Values of: Excellence, Curiosity, Creativity, Resilience, Reflection, Collaboration, being Articulate and Caring. With these values at the roots of every lesson and project, the school aims to build character and break down any barriers to learning. Through this ambitious curriculum, every child will thrive and be well-prepared as independent learners in their next steps of education.
See our big ideas below that shape our curriculum delivery. Visit our subjects page to explore each national curriculum area in more detail. We have used The National Curriculum Framework to shape our own unique learning sequence, using resources from evidence-led subject specialists.