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Childrens University

The school is proud to be a highly successful member of Peterborough Children's University. Children's University is a national organisation that promotes and rewards learning that children choose to participate in outside the normal school day, either at lunchtime and after-school clubs or at high-quality 'Learning Destinations' throughout the city and the UK.  For more information about Children's University, or to see a list of local/national Learning Destinations, visit


Membership is available to all pupils in Years 3-6.  Children will receive a paper 'Passport to Learning'. They can then take this along to clubs in school, or activities at Learning Destinations to collect stamps for hours spent learning.  Once 30 hours have been reached they will be invited to a special graduation ceremony, either here in school or at the University Centre Peterborough to celebrate their achievement.  Awards range from 30 to 1000 hours of extra learning. 

Passports cost £6 payable on Parentpay only (free to families eligible for Pupil Premium).  Application forms are available in the Parents tab (Letters to Parents), from the school office or see Miss Lisa Thomas for more information.