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Breakfast Club & After-school Club


Here at The Beeches Primary School we believe that a good breakfast is the best way to start any day! This is why we run our breakfast FREE OF CHARGE for all children in all year groups. 

The Breakfast Club doors are open between 8am to 8:15am and runs until 8:30am. The club provides breakfasts including: cereal, bagels and yogurts; the children can also take part in activities, sport and films. 

Our Breakfast Club is run by members of our school staff, so the children will be familiar with the staff.

All children who wish to attend The Breakfast Club must be registered.

Please visit the school office to register your child and fill out the relevant paperwork.


After-School Club

We run a brilliant After-School Club available for all children the club runs straight after school until 4:30pm. You can collect your child at any point from the club; however the charge is the same. 

After-School Club is charged at £5 per session or £2.50 for Pupil Premium children. Clubs must be booked via Parentpay weekly in advance. 

All children who wish to attend The After-School Club must be registered.

Please visit the school office to register your child and fill out the relevant paperwork.


Sports & Art Clubs

We run sports and art clubs on various days throughout the week. To register your child on any of these clubs please see the letter which is emailed to parents/carers each term. Clubs have limited spaces and fill up quickly.

All payments must be made via Parentpay.