Attendance and Absence
Regular attendance at school is essential to ensure uninterrupted progress and to enable children to extend their potential. The attendance pattern for all children is monitored weekly by the school.
We seek to work actively with parents to ensure a regular pattern is maintained.
Non-attendance is an important issue that is treated seriously. However, each case is different, and the school acknowledges that no one standard response will be appropriate in every case. Consideration is given to all factors affecting attendance before deciding what intervention strategies to apply.
In every case, early intervention is essential to prevent the problem from worsening. It is essential that parents keep the school fully informed of any matters that may affect their child's attendance.
If a child is absent they cannot learn.
A holiday, visiting relatives and other similar reasons however are unacceptable reason for absence and will be recorded as an unauthorised absence. Continued unauthorised absences are always followed up by the school and/or Local Authority Attendance Service. Every time a child is missing from school the absence will be followed up immediately by telephone or a home visit.
Holidays In School Time
Children need to be in school to learn. There is no right to time off for holidays or visits during term times. Families are asked to take their holidays during the times when the school is closed. The Beeches Primary School is a very popular school. Many of our classes are full and often extra families would like their children to come to the school. If you decide to take your child on holiday during term time, please be aware that after twenty days of unauthorised absence your child’s place at the school could be lost if another child is waiting to join that year group.
Our Attendance Policy highlights the importance of requesting time off in advance using the leave of absence request form. The absence request form is available from the school office or from our website. A penalty notice can be issued for any time off school without prior authorisation by the Headteacher
Parental Responsibility
Throughout this policy the term 'parent' represents one parent, both parents, or carer with whom the child resides.
Parents are informed of their responsibility to ensure their children attend regularly, in the school prospectus.
Punctuality is also stressed as lateness impacts on learning not only for the individual, but the class as a whole.
Attendance is discussed with each parent at consultation evenings, with the current percentage attendance being reported.
Parents have a legal obligation to ensure their children receive a full time education. This is achieved by regular attendance at school and arriving at school on time.
Lateness of more than 20 minutes after start time, results in an unauthorised absence for the whole morning session. This has an effect on the child's overall attendance percentage.
When a child is unwell, parents should contact the school by 9am on each day of absence informing the school of the reason for absence. The school's telephone number is 209877 option 1, where a voicemail can be left. Absence can also be reported via the Scholarpack app. Absence reported after 10am WILL NOT be authorised.
School Responsibility
The Senior Management Team and all teaching staff work to ensure a high level of enjoyment and commitment to learning as a means of ensuring regular attendance.
The School’s Attendance Officer holds responsibility for attendance matters.
Where school attendance problems occur, the school will endeavour to work with parents in the interests of the child to achieve a resolution.
Attendance is recorded and data stored and analysed using the Scholarpack Attendance system.
It is a statutory duty for class teachers to call and maintain accurate registers; these are legal documents, and may be called for as evidence by the court. Class Teachers are legally responsible for marking their class attendance register twice per day at the start of each session.
The Headteacher, not parents, authorises absence;
Absence for any reason during term time is discouraged.
Absence known to be for the following reasons may be authorised:
- Illness
- Religious observance (maximum of 2 days per year)
- Attendance at medical appointments which can not be made outside school hours. Please provide evidence of appointments in advance, where possible.
When it has become necessary to make a referral to the Peterborough City Council Attendance Service all further absences will be unauthorised pending investigation. A representative liaises with the school regarding absences following contact with the parents.
Calls from parents regarding absence are logged. After registration, checks are made to ensure that all children are accounted for. Telephone calls are made, or text messages sent to parents of children who are not in school to ensure that children are safe; this forms part of our Child Protection procedure. If no contact is made with parents, the absence will be marked as unauthorised.
The prime benefit derived from regular attendance is that continuity and progression in learning are ensured.
Certificates are awarded at the end of each term for 100% attendance. This is celebrated in assemblies.
Where positive impact is required, all staff in contact with the child must take extra care to welcome the child each morning, praise punctual attendance and acknowledge the effort the child has made.
It is also appropriate to recognise the effort the parent has made to secure the child’s attendance.
Individual sticker rewards are sometimes employed as an additional incentive where appropriate; these are designed according to the child's particular need.
Penalty notices
Penalty notices for absence from school can be issued by the Attendance and Behaviour Service based on requests from schools and the police.
The following circumstances are considered as appropriate reasons for the issuing of Penalty Notices:
- Truancy, including truancy sweeps
- Parentally-condoned absences
- Unauthorised holidays in term time
- Delayed return from extended holidays
Helping Parents understand Penalty Notice Fines for School Attendance
From 19 August 2024, there is a National Framework for Penalty Notice Fines being issued for unauthorised absences recorded by schools
National Threshold |
A single consistent national threshold for when a Penalty Notice must be considered by ALL schools in England, this is:
Who may be fined? |
First Offence |
The first time a Penalty Notice is issued for unauthorised absence, the fine amount will be:
Second Offence (within 3 years) |
The second time a Penalty Notice is issued for unauthorised absence, a reduced rate is not available. The amount therefore will be:
Third Offence and Any Further Offences (within 3 years) |
The third time an offence is committed, a Penalty Notice WILL NOT be issued, and the case will be presented straight to the Magistrate’s Court